Proof of Work

NeoG ProjectsOther Projects


Are you a fan of minions? Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language.

Personal Portfolio

A personal portfolio built with HTML, SASS & vanilla javascript. It lists all my projects and contact details.

Triangle Trivia

A website that tests your knowledge about triangles.


Do you read books? You would find some good recommendations for all the genre. Made using ReactJS with love.

Palindrome Birthday

A website that checks whether your birthday (or any date for that matter!) is palindrome in any date format or not. If not, then it gives you the nearest paindrome date to the input date.


I struggle with understanding the emojis. Do you too? If yes, then see this library of emojis with meaning.

Cash Register

A cash register manager which helps the user by telling how can he/she return the change to the customer with minimum number of notes.


Are you tired of looking for the right emoji to go with your text everytime you type? Then try this awesome text to emoji translator. It will automatically add the relevant emojis next to the corresponding word in your text.

Lucky Birthday

A website which can help you to check whether your birthday is lucky or not.

Stocks Profit & Loss

A website which helps user how much profit or loss he/she is making in percentage & absolute value.

Friends Trivia

A simple Node CLI quiz about arguably the most famous sitcoms of all time "F.R.I.E.N.D.S".

Pesrsonal Quiz

A simple Node CLI quiz with 5 questions about myself.

SVH E-commerce Website

The first commercial project that I built for a client. It's the front-end of an e-commerce website for a Hardware store. It is completely responsive and has multiple animations and database collection for Login/Signup. I'm currently working on the backend and will finish the project within a month.

Fylo Landing Page

An aestheically pleasing, completely responsive, dark themed landing page. I used the concepts of flex and Grid to design it, and used Javascript for the animations and functionalities. There are a lot of scroll animation libraries, but I used pure Javascript to build the animations, in order to strengthen my basics in Javascript.


A fully functional and responsive multi themed calculator with theme toggle switch. This project really tested my prowess of Javascript and the concept of CSS variables. I also used 'SASS' for the first time, to build this project.

Beep Boop Game

An simple & endless game which tests your memory. The player has to remember the exact order in which all the buttons were played, the difficulty inreases with each level. This was the first ever project that I built after learning Javascript.

Room Landing Page

A beautiful landing page for an e-commerce website, with a few functionalities. This is one of my favourite Frontendmentor challenges. I had challenged myself to build this page in an hour and I did it.

More projects

Google Search Clone

Tindog landing page

Dad Joke Generator

Testimonials Slider

and more on...
